Introduction To Wordpress Widget Logic Plugin

To control displaying individual widgets on pages install Widget Logic plugin. Basically Widget Logic Plugin support filter your widget in the page.

After the plug-in is installed, a new “Widget Logic” input box is displayed in the options box of every widget you use. In this box, you can type a series of WordPress conditional tags to control where exactly the widget is displayed


Display only on the front page: is_front_page()
Display on all pages except front page: !is_front_page()
Display only on the home page: is_home()
Display only on individual posts: is_single()
Display only on pages: is_page()
Display on archive pages (category, tag, etc.): is_archive()
Display on search results pages: is_search()
Display on all pages except the home page: !is_home()
Display on “Advertise” or “Contact” page: is_page('advertise') || is_page('contact')
no value : widget will be visible on all pages

Download Wordpress Widget Logic Plugin

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Tags: Wordpress Plugin,Best Wordpress Plugin, Top Wordpress Plugin, Wordpress Widget Logic Plugin , Filter your wordpress page widget using Wordpress Widget Logic Plugin
